Strategic Process Measurement: KPI Metrics in Power BI:
Power BI Strategic Process Measurement: A Comprehensive Guide for Success:
Strategy Process to Establish KPI Metrics Measures:
Prepared by: Michael Mitchell , Power BI Consultant Email: MikeMitchell@PowerBIRep.Com Connect with Mike by IM - by Linkedin Review / Mike Mitchell Power BI Consultant
Crafting the Blueprint: Sculpting Strategic KPI Metrics & Measures:
As part of the team working on such project, our discussions will include a comprehensive assessment of the current data landscape. We'll zero in on key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with our strategic objectives. Our ultimate goal is to craft a Business Intelligence (BI) solution that not only meets, but actually surpasses, our collective goals. This will set the stage for the development of the visual elements for our dashboards.
EXAMPLE KPI Metrics & Measures: Data Science Project In Progress -- by Michael Mitchell
Tracking of Childcare Systems Success Failure Rates:
Identify Key Metrics and Objectives:
- Number of children in the system
- Age and gender distribution
- Types of interventions or services provided
- Time in the system
- Outcomes after leaving the system
Establishing Power BI reports and visualization dashboards is a multi-step process:
- Data Sources: Where are the source files located, and what steps are required to access the fact and dimension tables?
- Data Import and Relationships: the data tables need to be set up with relationship in Power BI data model, relationship use unique keys.
- Data Cleansing: Power Query and DAX, ETL process, which stands for Extract, Transfer, Load. The shaping of the data tables occurs at this stage.
- Create DAX measures for Basic Calculations: Example: TotalChildren = COUNTROWS(ChildrenTable).
- Advanced DAX Calculations: Example: AverageTimeInSystem = AVERAGEX(ChildrenTable, ChildrenTable[ExitDate] - ChildrenTable[EntryDate]).
- Context-Specific Measures: CALCULATE(COUNTROWS(ChildrenTable), InterventionsTable[InterventionType] = "Type A")
- Validation: Compare the DAX measure outcomes against manual calculations or other reporting tools to validate the data.
- User Testing and Iteration: Feedback from users to refine your DAX calculations and visualizations
Basic Metrics:
Number of Children in the System:
Foundational metric that can be further broken down by variables such as age, gender, ethnicity, or location.
Age and Gender Distribution:
Understanding the demographic makeup can help target interventions. This could be further segmented by other variables like race or types of issues faced (abuse, neglect, etc.).
Types of Interventions or Services Provided:
Break down the services into categories like educational support, healthcare, psychological counseling, etc., and measure how often each is used.
Time in the System:
Calculate the average and median time children spend in the system. This could be further segmented to examine time spent at each stage (initial assessment, placement, exit, etc.)
Outcomes After Leaving the System:
Track success metrics like educational attainment, employment, or instances of re-entry into the child welfare system.
Additional Metrics:
- Case Load per Worker: per social worker, cases assigned , system's capacity and potential stress points.
- Family Reunification Rates: Are there patterns or trends that can be identified?
- Placement Stability: Measure the frequency of placement changes for children in the system.
- Health Metrics: Indicators such as medical examinations, mental health assessments, and medication tracking.
- Educational Metrics: Grades, school attendance, college grad is the goal for all!
- Cost per Case: what is the total costs to society? resource allocation and justifying funding needs based on success ratios.
- Feedback Metrics: qualitative data from victims, families, and care providers can offer additional insights that quantitative data might not capture
- Recidivism Rates: What are the long-term effects on these children as they transition into adulthood, having been impacted by orphanhood?
- Legal Status and Milestones: Adult legal statuses, court appearances, and other legal milestones can provide an additional layer of analysis.